Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Feeling sad on a great day

This morning was a great morning.  I got invited to pamper a MOPS Group with some of my Mary Kay product.  It was my old MOPS group I used to attend so it felt really good to go back.  But after I got home and was just thinking about the morning, something hit me like a ton of bricks.  I don't think I've felt like this for awhile.  I realized how far behind Asher really is.  I realized this after seeing all of my friend's kids who are the same age or even younger then Asher running around and playing.  I don't know why it's never really bothered me before.  Why did it hit me today?  Asher has been in child care situations before with typical kids and I see it there too that he's behind but for some reason reality hit hard today.  Will I always feel this sad when I see him with typical kids?  Or will I be able to brush it off and not even think about it?  Just feeling a lot of heartache today over it all.  He's making some huge progress. Especially these last two weeks.  He's army crawling forward, he can push up onto all 4's by himself, he even sat up on his own yesterday!  Yay!  I happened to miss it but he did it!  But at 18 months old I know he should be further along.  We work with him daily and I know we're doing the best we can.   Maybe some of you experienced parents out there there are further along in this journey can help me.  I'd love to hear your comments.  I know I can keep him away from interacting with other kids but at this moment I feel like just doing that.  Can I keep him in a bubble?
Here's a recent picture of him going after my cell phone.  We use what we have to to motivate him.


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